Here are some steps for installing hot water tank in Ottawa;
The first step is building a good and convenient location for the tank. After getting a good location, you need to place concrete blocks on the floor as a support for the tank in order to make it sit comfortably.
The next step is placing the tank on the blocks making sure that the drain faucet is kept to the front. Make sure the tank is well balanced on the block. The next stage is soldering of copper tubing and fittings. What you need is the map gas torch or propane, paste soldering flux, some pads of steel wool, wired brush. All these equipment are available in both local store and homes. Ensure you clean the mating surface and then cover it with flux. The tubing cuts need to be equal in shape and fittings cannot be slanted. You need to start by cutting about 6-8 inches long pieces of tubing for the cold water passage line form the tank. Do not use a saw to cut but tubing cutter and also ensure you maintain the wheel square to the pipe as you work.
Another stage is the T&P valve. T&P means temperature and pressure valve. It is a secured device which provides a pathway for the water to flow whenever the tank gets to a dangerous level for a specific purpose. Please note of the valve because it is very crucial to purchase a valve rated in same level with the water heater.
The last stage is the electrical power. The hot water tank usually consumes 22- volts circuit separately. Cables of 30-amp circuit breaker and 10/2 circuit cable should be put in place which must end at 20ft from the tank location. A new cable should be connected from a joist mounted box junction to the location of new tank by creating some holes through the central of the overhead joists and passing the cable through the joist where you feel it is comfortable.
After all these processes have been completed, you need to confirm you work by filling the tank with water to be sure there are no leakages in the plumbing work. Please remember closing the drain valve before filling the tank. When you notice the tank is filled you should you can now turn on the circuit breaker and on the heating elements. If the heating elements are switched on before the tank get filled, it can damage the elements.